I taught at an inner city high school today and yesterday, notorious for its "rough" student population. I'm a suburban kid through and through, and totally not used to being one of maybe five other white people (students and staff combined) in a school. The kids were, honestly, model students for the most part. Here's what happened today:
1. A 15-year-old girl who lives with her grandma told me about her aunt, who was serving time for killing her boyfriend. Oh, and also, her mother was in jail for killing her boyfriend. Apparently both men were abusive to their women, nearly killing both (on seperate occasions). Such violence to deal with at such a young age!
2. A cross-dressing sophomore complained that the staff made him change out of his cheetah-print mini skirt. Apparently boys can't wear dresses at school. I want it to be known that I have nothing against homosexuals, and nothing against those who need to express themselves in this way. BUT, I learned that it is indeed a distraction to have a boy in a wig, lip gloss, and earrings flamboyantly sharpening pencils and stomping around the room. As a student I would have believed that he should be able to wear whatever he wants. As a teacher... notsomuch. The other boys couldn't stop staring and were making fun of what was apparently his butt crack sticking out of his low-rise skinny jeans. But I guess I support this kid's decision to be who he needs to be.
He asked me if I would be angry if I found out that I had a brother I never knew about. When I told him that yes, I probably would be, he told me that his mother passed away when he was twelve and his father just told him that he has two siblings, both from different mothers.
With issues like these, it's no wonder that the school scores lower on standardized tests. Would you be able to concentrate? They have other things to worry about besides filling in the right bubble.
This video takes place in Texas. I am not affiliated with the school district discussed here. I apologize for the poor quality.
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